Gjindja po kan inatin, po ja nis rrepovati jo a.k cka menon shoki, a t μετάφραση - Gjindja po kan inatin, po ja nis rrepovati jo a.k cka menon shoki, a t Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Gjindja po kan inatin, po ja nis rr

Gjindja po kan inatin, po ja nis rrepovati
jo a.k cka menon shoki, a thu si erdh afati
ktyne pidhave tnanes, qe menojn se jan bo trekondca
mduket kan harru se na jem rrit me dy komshaaa
zon e shtyt, kur kerkojn me u shty me ushtri
dun me hy ngara, me tre mij kuej fuqi
vdes prej JR-it, cova 16 rrjeshta
nderi vjen prej meje, jam krenar edhe nveksha
mbi 3 vjet jam rekrutu nushtri
kam gzim per vllasni, keqardhje per inat-g
e di se sjam as un si ti, per femnen skam dashni
e di ashtu si ti e di kurrkush sna lun, kosov, shqipni
trimni mbi trim shqipe mirseerdhe nrim, he
hajde me mu, se demek qeke bo trim, he
my shqipe si nuk fryhet, por vec fryhet o.t.r
kam lind dhe do vdes, NDER i kom 3 shkronja N'ADN

my shqipez du perjet, i du perjet, se mdojn perjet
e my shqipez jan vertet, 100% vec realitet
my shqipez du perjet, i du perjet, se mdojn perjet
e my shqipez jan vertet, 100% vec realitet
my shqipez kam me veti, si qita nuk ke ma tzjarrt
o my shqipez o.t.r, numer nji, nuk ke ma tqart
my shqipez kam me veti, si qita nuk ke ma tzjarrt
o my shqipez o.t.r, numer nji, nuk ke ma tqart

my shqipez du perjet, i du perjet, se mdojn perjet
e ve nbast jeten teme se my shqipez jan tvertet
tlutna mle rehat, e di qysh i kam punt
kastumerat presin jasht, se prej meje mushin hunt
influence e keqe, shife qysh ti prishna trit
shesin drog neper cepa e mas thikat ti shpojn brinjt
spo mhan hic per fam, sboj muzik per publik
per ate qe kam un ta vej jeten nrrezik
ermali prap jeton, drama prap vazhdon
kuksjani ne mission, kam fitoren si stacion
sdi me u nal besom, 32 ti shkarkon
per ate qe aj don, aj jep jet per te ton
mfal oj nan tmerzitna, cova jeten teme rrugve
nzemer ju kam perjet, e pse mrapsht u hyna npunve
mfal oj zemra jeme, qe per nat tla nmerak
un jap jet per ata, qe per mu jan pa afat

mendoj edhe un te futem ne ket realitet te hidhur
mendoj edhe un te zgjidh, nje problem te pazgjidhur
gjithkush e ka mendimin e tij, por prap i humbur
se ke ti zinxhirin shqipe, sduhet tjet i kputur
se njerzit qe na rrethojn, per inati plasin vet
se syt qe po i lshojm, shum dryshime ne kto cepe
e ne mur, e zhgarravit, tregon shum histori
vec fitoren lshoj ne sy, po kto jan shokt e mi
se nacut ta bojn, golin ne disa metoda tvjetra
aty ku kalojm rruges nacut tmysin neper letra
kjo asht vec loj shok, kujdes ti se si e lun
shoket maji afer se perndryshe ska kush trun
kto fjal qe sapo thash, lan gjurm diku matan
mesazh prej nji trimi qe nga zemra co selam
mori fati udhn e saj nacut, ni ku i kam
o.t.r, e japim jeten, e rruget i cojm nkam

my shqipez du perjet, i du perjet, se mdojn perjet
my shqipez jan vertet, 100% vec realitet
my shqipez du perjet, i du perjet, se mdojn perjet
my shqipez jan vertet, 100% vec realitet
my shqipez kam me veti, si qita nuk ke ma tqart
o my shqipez o.t.r, numer nji, nuk ke ma tqart
my shqipez kam me veti, si qita nuk ke ma tqart
o my shqipez o.t.r, numer nji, nuk ke ma tqart

nrrug per dit aah, nuk jam merzit hic
por prap se prap ka njeher menja po shkon skic
pi thojkan jetes bitch, un therrmoj ca ti e ban
ta them dhe nji gja tjeter, maje afer at qe tdon
se tdhem kur ske kurkun afer, besom e kam provu
kurkush nuk don me tmajt me hater kur e di qe ke gabu
pra merre shtrut, qysh dush, leht a leht
gabimet e bame diku bohen problem njet
gjith po mthojn J.R mos ki pak bar, un
si ushtar I drejtoj shum shpejt nga o.t.r
e marri masen ne dur, e hyj ne boten e turbullt
cdo dit e re duket isoj, nga kjo mjergull vorbull
e maj koken nalt, pavarsisht se ktu asht balt
pa shqiptarin jeta ishte, sikur rruga pa asfalt
e piset pranaj gjthkush jasht venit po niset
por un lshoj rrugen edhe sikur kpuca tu mgriset

Refren (x2):
my shqipez du perjet, i du perjet, se mdojn perjet
my shqipez jan vertet, 100% vec realitet
my shqipez du perjet, i du perjet, se mdojn perjet
my shqipez jan vertet, 100% vec realitet
my shqipez kam me veti, si qita nuk ke ma tqart
o my shqipez o.t.r, numer nji, nuk ke ma tqart
my shqipez kam me veti, si qita nuk ke ma tqart
o my shqipez o.t.r, numer nji, nuk ke ma tqart
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Townsfolk are have anger, I will initiate rrepovati
not ak what menon shoki, a thu as came time
ktyne pussy tnanes, which menojn that are bo trekondca
mduket have forgotten us, I grew up with two komshaaa
the area incites, when looking at the postponed army
dun to login driven, with three thousandths kuej force
dies of JR's, Cova 16 rows
honor comes from me, I am proud and nveksha
over 3 years I enlisted nushtri
I gzim for vllasni, regret for Rampage-g
know sjam or un like you, for femnen skam dashni
know as you know nobody dont lun, Sardar, Ghani
trimni the brave Albanian a welcome nrim, he
Come with me, that supposedly qeke bo brave, he
my Albanian as not swell, but already Trumpet OTR
I born and will die, 3 letters com honor N'ADN Chorus: my shqipez du temporarily stops the du temporarily stops that temporarily stops mdojn of my shqipez are true, 100% already reality my shqipez du temporarily stops the du temporarily stops the mdojn temporarily stops of my shqipez are true, 100% already reality my shqipez have featured as qita not have more tzjarrt O my shqipez OTR number nji, do not have more tqart my shqipez have featured as qita not have more tzjarrt O my shqipez OTR number nji, do not have more tqart CA: my shqipez du temporarily stops the du temporarily stops the mdojn temporarily stops widow nbast be the topic of my shqipez are tvertet tlutna MLE comfortable, I know since I punt kastumerat wait outside, that from me mushin hunt influence bad, Schiff since you prishna Minister 'sell drugs in the corners of mass knives to pierce ribs spo MHAN hic for fam, sboj music to the public for what I un be set life nrrezik ermali still lives, the drama still continues kuksjani in mission I win as bus SDI was nal besom, 32 then dismissed for what aj wills, ay gives jet to tone mfal OJ nan tmerzitna, Cova life theme roads nzemer you have temporarily stops why mrapsht was started consulting npunve mfal OJ heart jeme , that for night TLA nmerak un give jet for those that per acre are indefinitely Dulla: I think the un to sink in that reality bitter think the un resolved, an unsolved problem everyone has his own opinion, but again the lost you have to chain Albanian sduhet Tjet of kputur the people that we surround, for anger burst own the eyes that are lshojm, many physical changes in these cornices the wall, the zhgarravit, tells many stories already victory lshoj eye, but these are my friends that nacu to Paint, the goal in some methods tvjetra where they pass through the road nacu tmysin through letters that bone already type shock caution you how lun Friends May closer than otherwise ska who trun these words you just said, washes trace somewhere Matan message from nji warrior from heart co sallam took fate udhn its nacu, ni where I OTR, and give life, the roads we drive Nkama Chorus: my shqipez du temporarily stops the du temporarily stops the mdojn temporarily stops my shqipez are true, 100% already reality my shqipez du temporarily stops the du temporarily stops the mdojn temporarily stops my shqipez are true, 100% already reality my shqipez have featured as qita not have more tqart O my shqipez OTR number nji, do not have ma tqart my shqipez have featured as qita not have more tqart O my shqipez OTR number nji, do not have more tqart JR: nrrug per day aah, I am not bothering hic But still there once menja going freehand drink thojkan life bitch, I crush some to the ban to say and nji longs else, the top closer at that Tdon that tdhem when SKE kurkun close, besom've proved anyone else does not want to tmajt with sake when you know that you Gabu then take hospitalized since shower , easy or easy mistakes bame somewhere Bohe problem first year everyone is mthojn JR do not have a little bar, I as a soldier I lead very quickly by OTR insist on being in dur, and enter the world of blurred every day a new look chorus, this mist swirl May head Haut, whether here bone mud without the Albanian life was, like road without asphalt dirty fulfill your gjthkush out faded is leaving but I lshoj way though kpuca to mgriset Chorus (x2): my shqipez du temporarily stops the du temporarily stops the mdojn temporarily stops my shqipez are true, 100% already reality my shqipez du temporarily stops the du temporarily stops the mdojn temporarily stops my shqipez are true, 100% already reality my shqipez have featured as qita not have more tqart O my shqipez OTR, nji number, you do not tqart me my shqipez have featured as tqart qita not have me O my shqipez OTR nji number, we do not have more tqart

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